Potato Mash Puree

Now that Thanksgiving is just around the corner, what perfect baby food to blend for your baby than potato mash puree?!? Mashed potatoes are such a loved dish by everyone, so while you’re making your mashed potato dish for the family for Thanksgiving you can also prepare your baby’s. What Kind of Potatoes Should You …

Corn Puree

CORN Corn, which in another countries is commonly known as maize, is a delicious sweet tasting food that is bright yellow in color and loaded with protein. Corn is also rich in Vitamin A; a good source of the antioxidant, beta-carotene, which plays an important role in eyesight and your baby’s skin. Corn also contains …

Green Bean Puree

Did you know that there are over 130 different kinds of green beans? That’s a lot of varieties of green beans casserole options you can make for Thanksgiving! Speaking go Thanksgiving, this is my all time favorite holiday. It has always been my favorite holiday since I was a kid. You get to make a …

Pumpkin Puree

Happy Halloween! What better puree to make than pumpkin puree?!? Such a delicious winter squash with many health benefits for your little bumpkin baby! Pumpkin has such an impressive nutrient profile. It’s highly rich in vitamin A and besides being packed with many vitamins and minerals, it’s also high in beta-carotene! Since I find it …

Butternut Squash Puree

Butternut squash is so flavorful, sweet and delicious when cooked for your baby. It is such a versatile winter squash, making it the perfect vegetable to combine with other fruits, veggies, and protein for your child. Butternut squash is sways available year round, yet it is best enjoyed and less expensive during its harvest season …

Pear Puree

PEARS Pears are such a healthy and great source of fiber, copper, vitamin C, vitamin B-6, vitamin K, provitamin A, potassium, flavonoids, calcium, iron, magnesium, riboflavin, folate, niacin and antioxidants *fewfff! That’s a handful! Niacin and folate are so important for your baby’s cellular function and energy production for your growing baby. While the provitamin …

Banana Mash

What better post to post after apples? Bananas! Apples and bananas, I like to eat, eat, eat apples and ok I have children songs constantly stuck in my head now that I’m a mom. The easiest food to puree for your little one because it takes absolutely no cooking, baking, steaming, etc. You just mash …

Apple Puree

We are getting into Fall Season now, my favorite! So what better puree to make than apple puree? Apples are such a delicious first solid food to feed to your little one because they’re sweet and so versatile with a lot of other fruits and veggies and even meats! What Kind of Apples Should You …

Purple Sweet Potato Puree

I love making my own baby food for my little one. She gobbles it right up! I know exactly what goes into her food rather than the unknown of store bought baby food. I go crazy for ROASTED SWEET POTATOES and when I fed my baby the following recipe, she went crazy for roasted sweet …

Carrot Puree

Yum carrots! Carrots are rich in so many nutrients like beta-carotene, biotin, vitamin K1, Potassium and vitamin B6 which are a perfect addition to a baby’s diet. Making your own will taste a whole lot better than store bought baby food stored in jars. Follow my easy step-by-step instructions for the healthiest and most delicious …